Business Model
What are the operational principles of the Trust?
The Historic Towns Trust’s business model is based on the following principles:
A capital sum is held in trust as the basis for the HTT’s recurrent annual expenditure
The value of the capital sum will be at least maintained, and HTT seeks to increase it over time to at least £1 million
Income generated from the capital sum is used to finance the everyday running of the Trust
Capital growth above inflation is used to help initiate new HTT projects and activities
The production of HTT outputs, including volumes of the British Historic Town Atlas, requires separate fundraising plans, agreed between the Trust and partner(s), and signed off by the HTT board.
Trust Output
The Historic Towns Trust produces a wide range of both print and digital output. These include historic towns atlases, printed historical maps, digital collections of archival material related to historic towns, recorded lectures relating to our research and findings, as well as scholarly activities, including study days.
A collection of our archived material is available to the public in our Education & Outreach section. To see our past and current print publications, please see our British Historic Towns Atlas and Town & City Historic Maps.
Who is our audience?
The Historic Towns Trust’s audience is a wide one and includes the interested general public, universities, schools, policy-makers and heritage organisations, as well as visitors to historic towns.
Trust Archives
We have also archived our material with the Bodleian Library in Oxford for public access. Amongst the material are items which will be of interest to historians of cartography in future years, including many of the atlas films, peelcoats and scribecoats used by Col. Henry Johns and his team to create the maps for volume III, the City of London to c.1520. Find out more about our historical archives.
Use of Trust content
The Historic Towns Trust is always pleased when researchers use maps from the British Historic Towns Atlas Volumes for research and illustrative purposes.
If you would like to see guidelines or request permission to use our material, please see our latest policies in How to use Trust content.