Events & Lectures
What are our current and upcoming lectures and events?
Upcoming Lecture Series - Spring 2023
The Historic Towns Trust will be running a series of four lectures in conjunction with the British Association for Local History in February, March and April 2023.
The dates will be:
Thursday 23 February
Thursday 23 March
Thursday 6 April
Thursday 27 April
Lectures are in the early evening (times to be announced) and available via a Zoom link. The BALH hosts the lectures.
Topics for the new lecture series include:
Professor Matthew Davies on the Layers of London project
John Moore on historical mapping in Scotland
Professor Barbara English on Beverley
Professor Lousie Miskell on Swansea
Further details will be available here early in 2023
Spring Lecture Series 2021
In association with the Borders & Borderlands research network at the University of Bristol, the Historic Towns Trust presents a series of recorded lectures on our research work mapping more of Britian's historical towns and cities.