The Charles Close Society for the study of Ordnance Survey maps is hosting online talks by the Historic Towns Trust’s Honorary Vice-President and former Chair, Professor Keith Lilley, our Cartographic editor Giles Darkes, and Professor Peter Vujakovic, one of our partners in developing educational outreach activities using our maps.
Keith’s talk, on 23 April at 7.30, was entitled ‘Beneath the lines: mapping medieval townscapes using large scale OS maps’. He showed how these 19th- and 20th-century maps can be used to locate and identify features from the distant past – as indeed the Historic Towns Trust does.
On 16 July at 7.30, Giles Darkes talked about 'Turning an OS into history: publishing a Town & City Historical Map’. Giles's talk is now available online here, with a blurb here
On 20 August, Peter Vujakovic will talk on the subject ‘Catch Them Young! Introducing children to meaningful mapwork’.
To attend the Society's talks, please email chairman@charlesclosesociety.org for the Zoom invitation and passcode.