The Trust's new historical map of Perth went to press at the end of March, and is on track for publication and launch in May. This unique map gives a comprehensive overview of the history and topography of Perth, showing the many layers of occupation over the centuries, from the prehistoric onwards.
Using the 1901 Ordnance Survey as its base, this 1:2500 map covers the area from the North Inch to Friarton Harbour in the south, and Bridgend and Kinnoull in the east to Wellshill Cemetery in the west. An inset map shows the Palace of Scone and the sites of the abbey and lost village. The gazetteer on the reverse gives brief accounts of major buildings and features, including churches, the town's defences, its lost religious houses and its harbours and industries, plus rare images and early photographs.

The map is being printed at Dennis Maps, Frome, where Ordnance Survey maps are also printed. It will be on sale from 11 May, at all good bookshops.
ISBN: 978-1-8380719-7-4 RRP: £11.99