Town & City Historic Maps
Medieval London
The City, Westminster and Southwark, 1270 to 1300
Published in association with:
Layers of London

Following the publication of the Map of Tudor London in 2018, its companion map shows London at the height of the medieval period. The map details London between 1270 and 1300 when its population reached a peak not reached again until the mid 16th century.
Covering the same geographical extent as the map of Tudor London and at the same scale (1:2500), it also shows Westminster at about 1290. On the reverse of the map is Lambeth and the Archbishop of Canterbury's London home, along with the buildings of the small community to service it.

The map is a revised version of the map of London c.1270 which appeared in the Atlas of London up to 1520, completely revised to take into account the many discoveries — archaeological and historical — made over the past 35 years. We have also shown new features such as the water pipes and conduits which brought 'sweet' water to the City; vineyards and orchards; and the new works at the Tower being built by Edward I.
The team of historians working on the map is led by Professors Caroline Barron and Vanessa Harding with contributions by Professor Martha Carlin on Southwark, Dr Nick Holder on the religious houses and Tim Tatton-Brown on Westminster and Lambeth.
The map also features as a layer of the Layers of London website where it can be seen in context. Users can look at a modern map and maps of different date, including the Map of Tudor London, and vary the transparency of them for comparison purposes. The Layers of London site also has photographs and items of social history attached to it and is a great resource for the local and family historian.
Published in association with
Layers of London
Layers of London is a map-based history website developed by the Institute of Historical Research. It brings together, for the first time, an important collection of digitised historic maps, photos and crowd-sourced histories provided by the public and key partners across London. Users can access free historic maps of London and contribute stories, memories and histories to create a social history resource about their area. Start exploring now!
Publication Details
Published Date:
October 2019
Please note: Our maps are available to buy from our online Shop, through local booksellers and other outlets in the cities featured, or by ordering through any bookshop or online book retailer.